The True Power of Self-Consciousness

Human consciousness is divided into three levels, namely self-consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness. The term self-awareness is used primarily in psychology and related disciplines. It is used to refer to the self-consciousness of the individual or the collective self-consciousness of a group.
Self-consciousness is also referred to as day-consciousness.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant explained that self-consciousness arises from the observation and reflection of oneself. The personality uses it as a tool for self-awareness. The term is mistakenly used to describe a self-assured, convinced and confident attitude. The mystery tradition, on the other hand, uses the term to mean “being aware of oneself”.


In the symbols of the Tarot, self-awareness or the “I” is associated with the number ONE. The Tarot key “Magician” corresponds to self-awareness. This symbol illustrates that the magician directs the forces from above through himself and manifests them in the world.

Whatever he focuses on will be realised in life. Thoughts, emotions, words and actions are strong suggestions (hints) to the subconscious, which immediately tries to implement the signals it receives. Therefore, the true magician learns to purify his desires and consciously allow the divine will and power to flow through him.

The practical realisation of these laws is taught in the courses of the Hermetic Academy. Only when we understand the importance of self-knowledge can we use this power purposefully to be a conscious image of God here on earth.

Self-observation plays an important role in this process, as does self-knowledge, which leads to the targeted and conscious refinement of personality traits. This means that patterns of thought and behaviour are identified and adjusted.

How can self-confidence be strengthened?

Self-awareness focuses on what is realised in life. Thoughts, emotions, words and actions are powerful cues for the subconscious mind, which immediately tries to implement the signals it receives.
The Hermetics Academy courses help you to develop your personality and strengthen your self-esteem.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem refers to the esteem in which a person holds himself or herself.

2024-02-17T21:00:11+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|
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