- 1 Mental alchemy is not, as most people believe, the transformation of material metals that one performs in a chemical laboratory. It is a secret doctrine, protected and hidden from the profane.
- 2 True Hermetic Alchemy is the true teaching of God – the teaching of transformation and transmutation, where the lower “lead-like” elements are refined and polished so that a golden personality can shine.
True Hermetic Alchemy is the true teaching of God – the teaching of transformation and transmutation, where the lower “lead-like” elements are refined and polished so that a golden personality can shine.

Alchemy – The lesser work (Opus Minor) of alchemy is the work of silver. This work involves the refinement of personality traits. Here the student learns to balance the elements of earth, air, water and fire.
From the perspective of Hermetic Kabbalah, the element of Earth is harmonized in the sphere of Malkuth in the Tree of Life. All material aspects are questioned, such as one’s position in one’s profession, family, health, and financial matters. The sphere of Yesod is the subconscious. This is where the subconscious aspects and the intellect are balanced.
This is followed by the sphere of Hod, where water is harmonized along with mental and emotional aspects. The sphere of Netzach corresponds to fire and thus to the human will. When the elements are balanced, a symbolic equilateral cross is created. The balance between the four elements influences the appearance of our lives. The fifth element is spirit, the top of the pentagram, and is called the quintessence.
The impulse for change comes from the Higher Self, which harmonizes and balances our elements. In reality, it is the work of the “Holy Guardian Angel,” although it appears as if you are making the effort yourself.
The completion of the Lesser Work is a prerequisite for the perfect union of mind and soul. It creates a vehicle in which the higher mind can operate. Attachment to the personality is released and the way is cleared for the higher.
This is followed by the “Chymical Wedding” and the entry of the Solar or Messianic Consciousness.
In the Great Work (Opus Magnum), the transformation of the lead of ignorance into the gold of perfection takes place. This occurs in the middle triad of the Tree of Life and is also the work of gold. The Opus Magnum is the work of service to God and humanity. This includes everything we do.
The transmutation of metals is a spiritual and physical process. The seven metals correspond to the seven ancient planets of astrology and the seven chakras. It is important for the student to understand the underlying principles and aspects of personality. In the Mystery School, the student gains access to the knowledge of the sages and can have the experience themselves.
In the alchemy courses of the Hermetic Academy, practical methods are taught on how to achieve the stages of alchemy and the completion of the Great Work (Magnum Opus).
What is Alchemy?
Mental alchemy is not, as most people believe, the transformation of material metals that is carried out in a chemical laboratory. It is a secret teaching, protected and hidden from the profane. True Hermetic Alchemy is the true teaching of God – the teaching of transformation and transmutation, where the lower “lead-like” elements are refined and polished so that a golden personality can shine.
How does one learn alchemy?
In the alchemy courses of the Hermetic Academy, practical methods are taught on how to achieve the stages of alchemy and the completion of the Great Work (Magnum Opus).