Evolution – The Evolution of Mankind

Evolution – “There is only one human race, and no one can be excluded from it. Ten generations of proper food, shelter, and education would prove this to the whole world. There are no great differences between people when they are born. Almost any baby, unless the genes have been mixed up, could be made into a higher type of man or woman, if only it were taken in early enough and properly educated.”

evolution of mankind

Evolution – Despite the saying that blood does not count, education is what counts. But it will be some time before the world can prove this scientifically. (Guardians of the Western Mystery Tradition)

The Evolution of Man?

Evolution – “There is only one human race, and no one can be excluded from it. Ten generations with proper food, shelter and education would prove this to the whole world. There are no great differences between people when they are born. Almost any baby, unless the genes are mixed up, could be made into a higher type of man or woman, if only he were taken in early enough and properly educated.”

2024-02-18T14:43:17+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|
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