Explore the profound world of Hermeticism, delving into ancient wisdom, symbolism, and mystical teachings that unveil the hidden truths of the universe.

Pentagram – the great mysterious symbol

The pentagram has been recognised across cultures for thousands of years as one of the most powerful and meaningful symbols, with magical implications. While it was once the symbol of both the planet and the goddess Venus, it later became the symbol of recognition for the Pythagoreans. Plato, for [...]

2024-02-17T20:53:25+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

The Tree of Life of the Kabbalah

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life serves as a millennia-old mystical map that teaches us to unfold the divine potential within us through its 32 paths of wisdom. The Tree of Life of the Kabbalah reflects the microcosmic and macrocosmic realities that give us insight into creation and its laws. [...]

2024-02-17T20:54:47+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Christmas – the esoteric meaning

Christmas today has little in common with what was understood by the mystical tradition of Gnosticism. However, there are still many symbols in the Christmas story which, on closer inspection, point to these esoteric meanings and can reveal to us an archetypal pattern (primal pattern) of the soul. Christmas [...]

2024-02-17T20:57:46+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

The hidden power of the Subconscious

In psychology, the term "subconscious" refers to the mental and spiritual processes below the threshold of consciousness. Psychoanalysis refers to the area of the human psyche that is not accessible to the conscious mind as the “unconscious”. The subconscious controls many of our emotional responses because it is where [...]

2024-02-17T20:58:44+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

The True Power of Self-Consciousness

Human consciousness is divided into three levels, namely self-consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness. The term self-awareness is used primarily in psychology and related disciplines. It is used to refer to the self-consciousness of the individual or the collective self-consciousness of a group. Self-consciousness is also referred to as day-consciousness. The [...]

2024-02-17T21:00:11+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Superconsciousness – The Universal Force

The Superconscious is called the Higher Self, Christ Consciousness or God Consciousness. In ceremonial magic it is called the Holy Guardian Angel. The Holy Guardian Angel stands above the personality and constantly flows into and through it. Our personality is a product of transformation. The better it is attuned [...]

2024-02-17T21:02:08+01:00December 7th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Hermetic Symbols – Their Power

Hermetic symbols can be found in the places of worship of ancient peoples and cultures, such as the Egyptian, Persian and Indian civilizations. Also, in the spiritual works of Kabbalists, alchemists and mystics such as Jakob Böhme and Robert Fludd, to name but two. Since the Renaissance and the [...]

2024-02-17T21:04:06+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Anthroposophy – the mystical science

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is considered the founder of Anthroposophy, which he described as a spiritual science. Anthroposophy literally means "wisdom of the human being". Rudolf Steiner's aim was to approach spiritual realities with the same scientific methodology that scientists use in their fields. Anthroposophy - Rudolf Steiner was initially [...]

2024-02-17T21:09:23+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|
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