Explore the profound world of Hermeticism, delving into ancient wisdom, symbolism, and mystical teachings that unveil the hidden truths of the universe.

Hexagram – The Luminous Symbol

The hexagram is a six-pointed star made up of two intertwined equilateral triangles. It represents the union of the polar forces, with the triangle pointing up representing the masculine pole and the triangle pointing down representing the feminine pole. It is therefore a magical symbol of the union of [...]

2024-02-27T08:58:51+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Religion – Background to faiths

Religion encompasses different worldviews, values and perspectives. It is always based on a supernatural power, characterised by supernatural and sacred forces. What religions have in common is that they strive for something supernatural. There are different interpretations within religions, with some seeking self-discovery and personal development. It is not [...]

2024-02-18T14:36:52+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Secret Societies and Secret Orders – Machinations

Secret Societies: The most well-known organizations associated with discreet/secret societies/secret orders/lodges are the Freemasons, Martinists, Rosicrucians, Knights Templar, and Illuminati. Secret Societies - There is a distinction between Discreet Societies and Secret Societies. In discreet societies, the public is aware of their existence. Some members are known, and [...]

2024-02-18T14:37:40+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Hermeticism – Personal Development

Hermeticism is an ancient secret doctrine, dating back to early Egypt, whose innermost knowledge has traditionally been passed on orally. Throughout different generations and countries, a few dedicated individuals received this light, carefully nurtured it, and ensured that it didn't fade away. Thanks to these steadfast souls, this fearless [...]

2024-02-18T14:38:21+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Aura – The True Meaning of the Aura

The aura is the invisible energy field that surrounds the physical body. The aura is also referred to as the energy body, vibrational field, energy field, halo of light, radiant halo, light body, or subtle body. It consists of several layers that are arranged around the physical body like [...]

2024-02-18T14:39:15+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Rosicrucians – The Secret Teachings

Rosicrucianism is a spiritual and cultural movement, and the name of the Rosicrucians can be found in almost every esoteric lexicon. However, most explanations are based on a variety of major misconceptions and historical speculation. Rosicrucians - Some organizations have adopted the name "Rosicrucians" and receive attention in [...]

2024-02-18T14:42:23+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Evolution – The Evolution of Mankind

Evolution - "There is only one human race, and no one can be excluded from it. Ten generations of proper food, shelter, and education would prove this to the whole world. There are no great differences between people when they are born. Almost any baby, unless the genes have [...]

2024-02-18T14:43:17+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Mystery Cults – Initiations

The term "mystery" describes a secret, an unfathomable occurrence, something inexplicable to humans. Thus, a mystery cult is a spiritual teaching or ritual that remains hidden from outsiders. Admission to the community is usually through so-called initiation rites. Mystery cults Mystery cults spread, especially in Greece, under Oriental [...]

2024-02-18T14:44:59+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|
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