Explore the profound world of Hermeticism, delving into ancient wisdom, symbolism, and mystical teachings that unveil the hidden truths of the universe.

Hermeticism – the basis of freedom and love

Some religions fight against all forms of interpersonal relationships which, according to their interpretation, do not correspond to traditional marriage. Can people follow the path of Hermeticism, the basis of freedom and love, regardless of their sexual or partnership orientation? Spiritual paths serve as a guide and map for [...]

2024-02-17T22:18:07+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Hermeticism – What are the benefits for people who study the teachings of Hermeticism?

Hermeticism - the study of hermetic teachings helps us to find our path and thus to fulfill the intended mission of existence. It provides an advantage in the conscious shaping of everyday life and allows the student to realize their innermost calling. A significant advantage of studying Hermetic teachings [...]

2024-02-17T22:20:03+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Propaganda by Edward Bernays

"Propaganda" by Edward Bernays is a book dedicated to understanding mass communication. In his book "Propaganda", Edward Bernays explains what propaganda is and how it can be used to influence society. His book illustrates how the elites rule the world by influencing public opinion with targeted propaganda. Bernays deals [...]

2024-02-17T22:23:48+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Dr Elias Rubenstein: The New Age Has Begun [with video].

The new age has begun. With or without us - we decide! The age of awakening. It is the greatest period of change humanity has ever experienced. It is the age in which man's inner strength will decide whether he continues to dream in his colourful bubble [...]

2024-06-19T18:39:36+02:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Dr Elias Rubenstein: PROPAGANDA – Media Manipulation [with video].

[lwptoc] PROPAGANDA - Media manipulation This pandemic is far more dangerous than most people realise because it mysteriously paralyses the areas of the brain responsible for human reason. Now, one could say that this is not directly related to a virus, but to the propaganda that is flowing like [...]

2024-02-17T22:26:06+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Wicca – Witch Hunts and the Inquisition

Due to blind superstition, abuse of power and lack of education, sinister atrocities have occurred and continue to occur. This article gives a simple overview of the Wiccan religion. It then discusses witch hunts, the Church Inquisition, exorcism and missionary work. Wicca (witches) is a new religious movement that [...]

2024-02-17T22:29:39+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Reiki – the great business of healing and initiation

The basis of Reiki healing is the assumption that every human being has a divine, loving and healing life energy flowing through them. This energy flows through a Reiki Master, who has accepted the Reiki teachings, and who has previously received Reiki initiation at weekend seminars, and who then [...]

2024-02-18T14:27:12+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Qi Gong – more than relaxation?

According to Qi Gong practitioners, qigong can help you reach the Dao, or become one with the Dao. Dao cannot be translated, but it is rendered as a way. The term Dao (Tao) encompasses both the dualistic realms of the material world and the transcendent realms beyond duality. According [...]

2024-02-18T14:28:14+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|

Bach Flowers – Essences for Mental Health

Bach Flower Remedies: The inventor of the Bach Flower Remedies, Dr Edward Bach (1886-1936), originally from Wales, was a doctor and a Freemason. He began his career as a homeopath and soon developed his own form of therapy. He created a self-contained system of 38 special flower essences. These [...]

2024-02-18T14:30:30+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|
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