Introduction ‘As Above So Below Occult’

The saying “As Above So Below” holds a place, in hidden knowledge traditions summarizing the idea that what exists on a small scale (like humanity) mirrors what exists on a larger scale (such as the universe) and vice versa. This ancient belief implies that by comprehending the realms one can also grasp matters and by knowing oneself deeply universal truths can be uncovered. In this piece we delve into the implications of “As Above So Below” examining its importance in Hermetic thought, its practical use in mystical rituals and its transformative influence on those seeking esoteric wisdom.

as above so below occult

Hermetic Thought; The Core

The Law of Correspondence

The phrase “As Above So Below” has its roots in teachings from the Emerald Tablet attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (1). This principle of correspondence posits that the structures and patterns observed in the skies are reflected on Earth and within beings. It underscores the interconnectedness of all things. Suggests that studying the universe can shed light on mysteries as well as personal enigmas.


In Hermetism doctrines employ intricate symbols to convey truths. The magician, as portrayed in Tarot Key 1 The Magician stands with one hand raised towards the sky and the other pointing down, to the ground symbolizing the role of connecting the divine with the earthly. This depiction exemplifies the belief in uniting what is above with what’s below emphasizing the magicians duty to bridge these realms through wisdom and practical application.

Blending Knowledge

Hermetic philosophy emphasizes that true wisdom entails integrating insights with material understanding. It views reality as a reflection of truths, where the larger universe mirrors patterns found within individuals. This holistic perspective promotes a rounded approach to growth where enlightenment comes from balancing both spiritual and earthly aspects.

Utilization in Esoteric Practices

Ceremonies and Symbolic Gestures

Within traditions ceremonies often embody the principle of “As Above So Below Occult.” These rituals aim to synchronize an individuals state with energies allowing for a channeling of spiritual power akin, to celestial motions. Through these rituals practitioners strive to impact their reality by invoking higher forces and aligning themselves with universal principles.

Transformational Alchemy

Alchemy, an element of teachings applies this principle throughout its processes of metamorphosis (2).

Alchemists believe that by turning metals into gold, which symbolizes growth they are also undergoing a spiritual cleansing process. This transformation signifies the harmony, between the spiritual realms echoing the idea of “As Above So Below Occult” in their practice.

In occult traditions meditation is often used to connect with the divine. Through meditation individuals aim to surpass their consciousness and reach levels of existence. This practice helps them align their selves with the order enabling them to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and gain deeper spiritual insights.

The concept of “As Above So Below Occult” serves as a tool for development. By recognizing that external circumstances mirror conditions people can focus on self improvement to create changes in their external world. This realization fosters a sense of accountability for ones thoughts and actions understanding their impact on the surrounding environment.

At its core the Hermetic principle aims for individuals to attain unity with the divine. By harmonizing themselves with truths practitioners can transcend ego constraints and experience a profound unity, with the cosmos.

Achieving a state of enlightenment brings about peace a sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of ones role, in the universe. The continuous growth of ones journey is nurtured by embracing the principle “As Above So Below Occult.” This philosophy encourages individuals to strive for balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives acknowledging that every action and thought contributes to the whole. By adopting this approach individuals undergo transformation and establish a stronger connection with the divine guiding them along a path of perpetual learning and enlightenment.

In essence the esoteric interpretation of “As Above So Below Occult” presents a route to awakening by unveiling the fundamental truths of existence. This Hermetic principle imparts wisdom on how recognizing the interconnectedness of all things can lead to achieving equilibrium between the material realms. Through engaging in rituals, alchemical processes and meditative exercises seekers can delve into realms of knowledge. Undergo personal transformation. The Hermetic Academy remains dedicated to preserving these teachings as it provides a haven, for those committed to unraveling lifes mysteries.

One can delve deeper into the concept of “As Above So Below Occult” by enrolling in courses, at The Hermetic Academy. They offer a learning experience for individuals committed to understanding this principle fostering a space, for spiritual development and enlightenment.

FAQ- as above so below occult

1. What does the hidden meaning of “As Above imply?

A: The saying “As Above So Below” conveys the idea that humans reflect the universe and vice versa highlighting the interconnectedness of all things and the unity, between physical realms.

2. How do occult practices incorporate the principle of “As Above Below”?

A: Occult practices utilize rituals, alchemical processes and meditation to align an individuals state with energies leading to spiritual growth and a deeper grasp of universal principles.

3. Why is personal transformation significant within the concept of “As Above So Below”?

A: Personal transformation holds significance as it underscores that ones external reality mirrors their condition. By focusing on self improvement individuals can create changes in their world attaining equilibrium and peace.

4. What role does meditation play in grasping the essence of “As Above Below”?

A: Meditation enables practitioners to transcend consciousness and harmonize their inner being with universal harmony. This alignment allows for an understanding of interconnectivity, among all things and fosters spiritual enlightenment.


(1) Rubenstein, E. (2024) The Hermetic Experience: From Mystery to Self-Knowledge. Hermetic World, Paphos.

(2) Rubenstein, E. (2023). Alchemy: Secrets of Consciousness Transformation. Hermetic World, Paphos.