Introduction to “As Above So Below Esoteric”

“As above so below Esoteric” encapsulates a fundamental principle in esotericism, reflecting the interconnectedness of the microcosm and the macrocosm. This ancient wisdom suggests that the universe and the self are mirrors of each other, each containing the same truths on different scales. The concept is deeply embedded in various esoteric traditions, symbolizing the unity between the divine and the earthly, the spiritual and the material.

as above so below

“As above so Below Esoteric” serves as a guiding principle for understanding the nature of reality and the human experience. It posits that the processes and structures observed in the cosmos are mirrored within the individual. Therefore, by exploring the depths of one’s inner world, one can gain insights into the greater universe and vice versa. This principle underlines the holistic view that everything is interconnected, and changes in one realm can influence another.

“As above so Below Esoteric” emphasizes inner transformation and the recognition of the Higher Self. Unlike exoteric practices focused on external changes and rituals, true esotericism demands a profound inner journey, leading to the death of the ego and the birth of higher consciousness. This inner journey is not a straightforward path but involves navigating through various layers of self-deception, illusion, and personal growth. As such, it requires dedication, self-discipline, and a deep commitment to seeking the truth beyond the surface appearances.

In this article, we will delve into the esoteric meaning of “as above, so below,” exploring its significance and applications. We will discuss the inner journey of esotericism, the death of the self, the importance of polarity, and the transformative power of symbols. Each section will provide a deeper understanding of how this ancient principle can guide modern seekers on their path to spiritual enlightenment.

The Inner Journey of Esotericism

Death of the Self

The esoteric path is fundamentally an inner journey, one that leads to the death of the self. This process is not merely a metaphorical death but a profound transformation that involves stripping away illusions and false securities. The death of the self is essential for achieving higher consciousness, as it allows the seeker to transcend the limitations of the ego and connect with the true essence of their being.

In esoteric traditions, the ego is seen as a barrier that separates the individual from their divine nature. It is the source of fear, desire, and attachment, which keeps the soul bound to the material world. The death of the ego involves confronting and overcoming these aspects, leading to a state of inner purity and spiritual awakening. This process is often challenging and can evoke deep emotional and psychological struggles. However, it is through these struggles that the seeker gains clarity and insight into their true nature.

The metaphorical death of the self is often symbolized in esoteric teachings through myths and rituals. For example, in the Mysteries of Eleusis, initiates underwent a symbolic death and rebirth, representing their journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Similarly, the Hermetic tradition speaks of the death of the “old man” and the birth of the “new man,” signifying the transformation from a lower to a higher state of consciousness.

The Importance of Polarity

Polarity is a central concept in esotericism, embodying the principle of duality that exists in all aspects of life. This principle is encapsulated in the Hermetic axiom, “As Above So Below Esoteric,” which reflects the belief that all phenomena are composed of opposing forces that are interconnected and interdependent. Understanding and balancing these polarities is crucial for achieving spiritual harmony and growth.

In esoteric teachings, polarity is often represented by pairs of opposites such as light and darkness, masculine and feminine, and positive and negative. These pairs are not seen as conflicting forces but as complementary aspects of a unified whole. By recognizing and harmonizing these polarities within oneself, the seeker can achieve a state of balance and wholeness. This process involves integrating the shadow aspects of the self, which are often repressed or denied, and transforming them into sources of strength and wisdom.

The concept of polarity is also reflected in the natural world and the cosmos. For example, the cycles of day and night, the changing seasons, and the phases of the moon all illustrate the dynamic interplay of opposing forces. In this sense, “as above, so below” serves as a reminder that the same principles that govern the universe also operate within the individual. By aligning with these natural rhythms, the seeker can attune themselves to the flow of cosmic energy and achieve greater harmony in their life​​.

The Transformative Power of Symbols

Symbols play a vital role in esotericism, serving as tools for inner transformation and spiritual growth. They are the language of the unconscious mind, capable of conveying complex truths and insights that cannot be expressed through words alone. In esoteric traditions, symbols are used in rituals, meditation, and visualization practices to access deeper levels of consciousness and facilitate the process of self-discovery.

One of the most powerful symbols in esotericism is the tree of life, which represents the interconnectedness of all aspects of creation (2). It serves as a map for spiritual ascent, guiding the seeker through various levels of existence towards the ultimate realization of unity with the divine. The tree of life is also a symbol of the principle “As Above So Below Esoteric” illustrating the correspondence between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

Another significant symbol is the philosopher’s stone, a central motif in alchemy. The philosopher’s stone represents the process of transmutation, both in the physical and spiritual sense. It symbolizes the transformation of base materials into gold and the purification of the soul. Through the alchemical process, the seeker undergoes a profound inner change, leading to the realization of their true nature and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.

Symbols are not static images but dynamic tools that interact with the psyche, evoking emotions, thoughts, and memories. When used in esoteric practices, they can unlock hidden potentials and facilitate profound insights. By meditating on symbols, the seeker can access deeper levels of awareness and connect with the universal truths they represent.


The Term “As Above so Below Esoteric” provides a profound framework for understanding the interconnectedness of the universe and the self. Through the inner journey of esotericism, seekers can achieve the death of the self, balance the polarities within, and harness the transformative power of symbols. This path leads to a state of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment, revealing the divine nature that resides within each individual.

The Hermetic Academy offers a unique opportunity for those interested in exploring these esoteric teachings further. By joining the Hermetic Academy, you can access a wealth of knowledge and resources to guide you on your spiritual journey. Engage with experienced teachers, participate in transformative rituals, and connect with a community of like-minded seekers dedicated to the pursuit of truth and enlightenment.

FAQ- as above so below esoteric

1. What does “as above, so below” mean in esotericism?

A: In esotericism, “as above, so below” signifies the interconnectedness of the macrocosm and the microcosm. It suggests that the processes and structures observed in the universe are mirrored within the individual, and vice versa. This principle emphasizes the holistic view that everything is interconnected, and changes in one realm can influence another.

2. How does the death of the self relate to esotericism?

A: The death of the self in esotericism refers to the process of transcending the ego and its limitations. This involves stripping away illusions and false securities, confronting deep fears, and achieving inner purity. It is a crucial step in attaining higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

3. What role does polarity play in esoteric teachings?

A: Polarity is a central concept in esotericism, representing the duality that exists in all aspects of life. It involves balancing opposing forces such as light and darkness, masculine and feminine, and positive and negative. Understanding and harmonizing these polarities within oneself is essential for achieving spiritual harmony and growth.

4. How are symbols used in esoteric practices?

A: Symbols are used in esoteric practices as tools for inner transformation and spiritual growth. They convey complex truths and insights that cannot be expressed through words alone. Symbols like the tree of life and the philosopher’s stone serve as maps for spiritual ascent and represent the process of transmutation and purification of the soul.

5. Where can I learn more about esoteric teachings?

A: The Hermetic Academy is an excellent place to study esoteric teachings. It offers a wealth of knowledge and resources, including experienced teachers, transformative rituals, and a supportive community.


(1) Rubenstein, E. (2023). Alchemy: Secrets of Consciousness Transformation. Hermetic World, Paphos.

(2) Rubenstein, E. (2020). The Tree of Life: The Kabbalah of Immortality. Hermetic World, Paphos.