Exploring Timeless Wisdom: Religion, Bible Study, and Hermeticism – A Beginner’s Guide

How does Hermeticism relate to religion?
Are the teachings of Hermeticism suitable for all mainstream religions?
Do you have to study the Bible as part of the curriculum at the Hermetic Academy?
Do you have to be religious at all to study Hermeticism, or is Hermeticism even redundant in view of religious paths of salvation?

The Symbolic Language of Holy Scriptures

Fundamentally, it can be said that the Bible, like other Holy Scriptures, describes the laws of creation in a symbolic language. In hermetic training, we receive the keys to look behind the symbolism of words and letters and to be able to receive the inner light of these scriptures, regardless of whether it is the Torah, the Sepher Yetzirah, the Zohar, the New Testament, the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita or the Tibetan Book of the Dead, to name just a few works.


The Universal Heritage of Holy Scriptures

What can sensibly be questioned is whether these books are only leased by a single religion that possesses absolute truth, or whether these works are actually the heritage of all mankind. On the other hand, Hermetic studies allow us to consciously view our own religion and deepen our personal connection with the Higher.

The Goal of Universal Religious Freedom

A fundamental goal of the Hermetic Academy, as reflected in its curriculum, is Universal Religious Freedom, which grants and enables every human being the right to freely choose and live their faith.

The Non-Religious Nature of Hermetic Teachings

The teaching content of the Hermetic Academy cannot be assigned to any religion. Although we find allegories from the Bible in the study content, this is based on the Hermetic-kabbalistic teaching system used in the Hermetic Academy. This system is an extremely efficient and precise system that provides students with strong access to see behind the appearance of the outer world.

Is Hermeticism a Religion?

Hermeticists have been found in all cultures and religious circles, whether this concerns Plato in ancient Greece, Marcus Aurelius in the Roman Empire, Sufis in the Orient, Lao Tse, Christian mystics or initiated yogis of Indian high culture etc.

Of course, Hermetic teaching is not a materialistic teaching but affirms spirit and deals with superconscious and subconscious areas of humans. Whether a student is Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew or Muslim or belongs to another religious community plays no role for studying Timeless Wisdom. The student has the opportunity to find individual access to himself and his faith; and deepen it if necessary.
Hermeticism is not a religion in its own right but a science that can enable self-knowledge for humans as well as a deeper understanding for all religions that humans currently practice and have ever practiced.

Therefore it is possible to study Hermeticism regardless of denomination and religious affiliation. In addition to this in the online library of the Hermetic Academy there are writings from different cultures and times which are freely accessible to students.

Should Holy Scriptures Like The Bible Be Taken Literally?

The Bible is a Holy Scripture. It is to be understood symbolically and allegorically, as it treats the laws of the universe or creation in encrypted language and imagery. It also conveys to every person who can see behind the symbols, the relationship between God, man, and nature.

The name “Torah” – which consists of the five books of Moses that also form the foundation for Christian faith with the Old Testament – translates to “law” and indicates that these ancient scriptures describe laws. Just as in Eastern scriptures, the law of Karma, i.e., cause and effect, is described in the Bible, to name a prominent example.

Unfortunately, taking Holy Scriptures like the Bible or the Quran literally and word for word has led to religious fanaticism and much suffering in the past.
A glance at works like the Zohar is usually enough to show the lack of nuance, complexity and darkness of understanding that untrained people are confronted with when interpreting these scriptures.

Works like the Bible are counted among Kabbalistic texts and were intended for initiates and those instructed in oral and written Kabbalah.
Therefore, it can be very dangerous to interpret the symbols of the Bible or other Holy Scriptures superficially and purely literally. The Hermetic Kabbalah, which is also handed down and conveyed in the Hermetic Academy, aims to enable people to recognize and understand the living word behind the dead letter. This can be understood as a life task to indicate the extent and size of the information contained.

2024-02-17T21:51:19+01:00December 5th, 2023|Hermetic Insights|
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