Introduction to “Jesus in Kabbalah”

The intertwining of mystical beliefs around “Jesus in Kabbalah” creates a complex web of symbolic meanings and esoteric interpretations surrounding Jesus. Within teachings Jesus in Kabbalah is often referred to as “BN” (the Son). Linked with “Tiphareth” (Beauty) embodying a significant spiritual concept that connects divine wisdom with human experience. This article delves into the presence of Jesus in Kabbalah emphasizing his representations, the numerical significance of his name and his embodiment of divine principles.

Jesus in Kabbalah

Symbolic Depictions of Jesus in Kabbalah

Jesus as “BN” (the Son) and Tiphareth

In the realm of tradition Jesus is frequently symbolized by “BN” (the Son) representing Tiphareth, the Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Tiphareth signifies beauty, harmony and serves as a bridge between lower Sephiroth. This association highlights Jesus role as a mediator between humanity and divinity showcasing his importance across both Kabbalistic and Christian belief systems.

The Logos and Divine Creation

Within Kabbalistic literature parallels are often drawn between Jesus and the Logos – the utterance, for all creation.

The Gospel of John illustrates the idea that everything was created through Jesus emphasizing his role, in both the spiritual aspects of creation. This portrayal presents Jesus as the foundation of all existence.

In teachings Jesus is viewed as a representation of the divine within life symbolizing balance and unity in cosmic energies within individuals. This perspective aligns with Tiphareth being considered the heart of the Tree of Life embodying harmony and wisdom (1). By associating Jesus with this Sephirah, his character as a mediator and embodiment of love is highlighted.

Exploring significance in Kabbalah through gematria assigning values to words provides deep insights into the essence of Jesus in Kabbalah. The Greek name for Jesus (Ιησούς) corresponds to 888 while Christ (Χριστός) aligns with 1480. The ratio between these numbers (3;5) and their combined total (2368) symbolize meanings that demonstrate the equilibrium and harmony, in Jesus divine essence.

The Symbolism of Stones

The interpretation of stones, in Kabbalah connects Jesus to core principles. The term “stone” in Hebrew combines the letters for father and son symbolizing the unity of wisdom and human experience. This symbolism is further emphasized by the values associated with Jesuss and Christs names establishing a connection between numerology and Christian theology.

The Significance of the Number 37 and Spiritual Wholeness

In Kabbalah the number 37 carries meaning linked to Jesuss names and titles. This number represents unity and spiritual completeness reflecting Jesuss embodiment of principles. The frequent occurrence of 37 in contexts underscores its significance as a key to unlocking deeper esoteric meanings related to Jesus in Kabbalah.

Exploring Jesuss Connection to the Tree of Life

Tiphareth; The Heart Center of the Tree

Tiphareth positioned at the core of the Tree of Life symbolizes beauty, equilibrium and serves as a mediator between the earthly realms. According to beliefs Jesus embodies these traits by bridging humanity with divinity. His central role highlights his position, as a mediator embodying harmony.

The Path of Aleph

The journey, along the Aleph path linking Kether (Crown) and Chokmah (Wisdom) on the Tree of Life symbolizes the flow of energy and wisdom into the world. Jesus affiliation with this path underscores his role as a conduit for transmitting knowledge and spiritual insight to humanity. This bond further underscores his significance as a figure in the voyage of Kabbalistic tradition.

The Mystical Union

In Kabbalah there is a teaching on union, where the soul aspires to unite with the divine. Jesus embodying Tiphareth exemplifies this union showcasing how human souls can attain enlightenment and connect with the divine. This doctrine resonates with the concept of unity with Christ reflecting a pursuit of spiritual evolution and oneness with divinity (2).


Jesus presence in Kabbalah provides an intricate perspective on his importance. Through representations, numerical symbolism and insights from the Tree of Life teachings Jesus emerges as a figure in seeking divine wisdom and spiritual illumination. This examination unveils profound ties, between beliefs and Christian ideology highlighting principles encapsulated in Jesus persona.

For those intrigued by delving into these teachings the Hermetic Academy offers a path, for further exploration and comprehension of these profound esoteric traditions.

FAQ- Jesus in Kabbalah

1. What does Tiphareth signify in Kabbalah?

A: Tiphareth, positioned as the Sephirah on the Tree of Life symbolizes beauty, equilibrium and unity. It represents the heart. Acts as a bridge between the lower Sephiroth showcasing the fusion of divine and human elements.

2. How is Jesus symbolically depicted in Kabbalah?

A: Within teachings Jesus is often linked with “BN” (the Son) and Tiphareth. He is also associated with the Logos, seen as the utterance from which all creation springs forth – underscoring his spiritual essence.

3. What do the numerical values of Jesus name signify in Kabbalah?

A: The numerical values assigned to Jesus name in Greek (888) and Christ (1480) hold significance representing harmony and equilibrium. These numbers and their proportions illuminate the sense of wholeness embodied by Jesus.

4. How does Kabbalah interpret the notion of union?

A: According to beliefs the soul yearns for unity, with the divine – a concept personified by Jesus as Tiphareth. The connection mentioned here symbolizes the journey, towards awakening and the aspiration to unite with the divine.

5. Where can I find information on how Jesuss incorporated into Kabbalistic beliefs?

A: You can delve deeper into the integration of Jesus, in Kabbalistic thought through the offerings and courses provided by The Hermetic Academy, which aim to offer a profound insight into these mystical teachings.


(1) Rubenstein, E. (2020). The Tree of Life: The Kabbalah of Immortality. Hermetic World, Paphos.

(2) Rubenstein, E. (2023). Alchemy: Secrets of Consciousness Transformation. Hermetic World, Paphos.